Today, I'd like to spread a little of the love that has been sent my way lately. I've been given two awards by a couple of great bloggers, and I wanted to share them with you.
First, from the fabulous Aerin at In Search of Giants, I received the Let's Be Friends Award:

And then from the lovely Aliison at Allison's Attic, I received the One Lovely Blog Award:

This award which is given to new blogs and blogging friends.
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
So in honor of the wonderful Read-A-Thon that just took place over the weekend, I'm going to pass this on to some of the wonderful blogs I found while cheerleading for the Readers on Saturday.
Alaine's Reading Blog
Books Love Jessica Marie
Melissa's Bookshelf
Reading Room
Valentina's Room
Books and so many more books
Dear Me
Secret Dreamworld of a Bookaholic
the bookworm
The Brain Lair
If you didn't get a chance to stop by these blogs - or weren't able to participate in the Read-A-Thon - you should check them out!
Congratulations on the awards, Elizabeth! You deserve them.
Oh I feel honoured to be among these!
thank you so much, you were a great cheerleader!
congrats on your well deserved awards
Love your "new" profile photo - of course!
Hey, thanks so much for the award.:) I'm glad I discovered your blog, too!
Thank you so much for this award! One of the things I liked most about the readathon was the chance to discover new blogs like yours. I'm a regular reader now! = )
Congrats on the awards, they're well-deserved...And thank you so much for mine! :-)
Thank You!<3
I have also given you an award! :D
Congratulations on the awards Elizabeth and thank you so much for passing these awards on to me.
Thanks so much for the award! You have a great blog!!
thank you so much for the award!
the readathon was so much fun and you were an awesome cheerleader. :)
p.s. sorry i'm a bit late.
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