This week for Poe Fridays, we read the short story Three Sundays in a Week. (click on the title for the full text)
The narrator is desperately trying to get his guardian, his grand-uncle Rumgudgeon, to give his permission for the young man to marry. He has lived with his grand-uncle all his life, and is in love with Uncle Rumgudgeon's daughter, Kate. Uncle, however, is decidedly contrary, and won't give his permission just to be difficult, despite the fact that he would love to see the young couple married. Kate and her man come up with an ingenious plot to secure his permission, which is the climax of the story.
This story was so.......cheery. It was really not that Poe-like, to me, but I did enjoy it. It is so refreshing to read one of his stories that doesn't end in murder or something equally tragic. It must have been written during a relatively happy period in his life - it just feels different than the rest of his stories. It's quite entertaining - if you haven't read it, you should!
Next week we will be reading Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling - one of the longest, and strangest, titles yet. Poe Fridays is hosted by Kristen at WeBeReading.
I've always felt like Poe had a good sense of humor but his circumstances prevented him from really expressing it. Everything always skews or turns dark. I can't even imagine what it's like having a life like that.
Hi Elizabeth,
It took me a long time to get here. Sometimes it's not easy for me to blog. I'm still learning and still enjoying. I love your blog. I will return again and again.
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