Thursday, March 3, 2016

March Magics! Day 2

Today's blog prompt -

Favorite Character
There are A LOT of characters to choose from but is there one that stands out as a favorite?

Well. I have a feeling these questions are going to be easier for me than anyone, since I'm so new to these authors. My answer is clearly Cat Chant, from Charmed Life. I'm very much looking forward to reading more books in the series, though, and finding out if my opinion changes.

Diana Wynne Jones fans, help me out! Who are some of the best characters - which books should I read next? Any suggestions from the Terry Pratchett crowd? 


Kristen M. said...

I'm sure you would love the Tiffany Aching series from Discworld (starting with The Wee Free Men). And you'll meet Christopher Chant and Millie next and they're great. I could keep going forever!

Lory said...

If you liked Charmed Life, you can't go wrong with reading the rest of the Chrestomanci books next. Howl's Moving Castle is also a great one to follow up with. I agree with Kristen that the Tiffany Aching books would be good to start with, or you could try some of the earlier Witches books (starting with Equal Rites) or the Death books (starting with Mort). Have fun discovering these two terrific authors!

Jenny @ Reading the End said...

Aww, Cat Chant. I think Chrestomanci will grow on you if you read more of the books in that series. The Lives of Christopher Chant is about young Chrestomanci, which is terrific, and then Conrad's Fate features a midway Christopher Chant who's like, the perfect exact mid-point between the kid Christopher and the adult Chrestomanci who shows up in Charmed Life. And it's the mid-point one I probably love the best. All audacious, and without responsibilities.