Saturday, January 2, 2016


Because seriously, the books collecting dust on my shelves are getting WAY out of hand. And then there are the books on my Kindle.....

So I'm joining my friend Andi, and a whole bunch of other bloggers, and calling 2016 the year to #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks. This is a completely customizable reading effort, so here are my rules for myself -

1 - the MAJORITY of the books I read this year will already exist on my own bookshelves.
2 - I can finish up the small stack I currently have from the library.
3 - I can read the books I've agreed to read for a few book launches in 2016
4 - I can read books from series' I have already started, or new books by authors I've been looking forward to for a long time,
5 - I am gonna be ruthless in culling my shelves - we need to get the old stuff out of here.

It is going to be HARD not to check out a stack from the library every week, and it's going to be painful not to grab every new book that catches my eye. But I have SO MANY good books that I want to read that haven't made it off my shelves. So 2016 is the year.

Does anyone else have any reading plans for 2016?


bermudaonion said...

I really should do this too. Good luck!

Jenny @ Reading the End said...

Yay for you!! I am not doing this project in any form cause I cherish my library visits too much, but I'm psyched for everyone that is taking it on. Good luck!