"The wild November come at last
Beneath a veil of rain;
The night winds blows its folds aside,
Her face is full of pain.
The latest of her race, she takes
The Autumn's vacant throne:
She has but one short moon to live,
And she must live alone."
- Richard Henry Stoddard, November
Do you know what November means?? It means my niece, the cutest little baby in the world, turns ONE YEAR OLD!! It's impossible to believe. It also means the nights are getting shorter, the days are getting colder, and I'm already longing for spring. It's true - I'm not a fall and winter gal. I love the sun - I yearn for it - so these months of darkness are hard. Guess I'll just go find a good book to curl up with, and hope they pass quickly! Here's what I've been reading this past month -
A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi - debut medical thriller about a child psychologist whose latest patient has some rather strange information about a murder. This was an entertaining read, although I don't know that I'll be placing on my re-read shelf. Rated 7/10. (My review of A Circle of Souls)
After the Fire, a Still Small Voice by Evie Wyld - debut novel about two men and the damage caused by war. This was quite a novel - bleak, but it's still in my head nearly a month after reading. Not for everyone, but a gripping read. Rated 8/10. (My review of After the Fire...)
The Return by Victoria Hislop - this novel blends historical and modern times in a tale about dancing and the Spanish Civil War. Parts didn't work for me, but I loved the scenes featuring dance. Rated 7/10. (My review of The Return)
The Real Wizard of Oz: The Life and Times of L. Frank Baum by Rebecca Loncraine - fascinating literary biography about the writer behind The Wizard of Oz. Very good. Rated 8/10. (My thoughts on The Real Wizard of Oz)
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins - what to say but go read this book! Easily one of my favorite series, this sequel completely lived up to the hype for me. Rated 9/10. (My short review of Catching Fire)
The Widow's Season by Laura Brodie - beautifully written ghost story that was the perfect read for this season. Rated 8/10. (My review of The Widow's Season)
Between Me and the River by Carrie Host - moving memoir of a woman's battle with cancer, this is a very hopeful book. Rated 8/10. (My review of Between Me and the River)
Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente - Lyrical prose which at times left me feeling like I was stumbling through a fog, this was a challenging but memorable sci-fi read. Definitely not for everyone, but it's fascinating premise kept me going, and I ultimately enjoyed the read. Rated 8/10. (My short review of Palimpsest)
The Big House by George Howe Colt - part of my Relative Reads series, this book about a beloved summer home and the family who lived in it was absolutely wonderful. Highly recommended. Rated 9/10. (My review of The Big House)
Pasta Imperfect by Maddy Hunter - this is a very entertaining mystery series, and I like them especially because the main characters are from Iowa! Rated 7/10. (My short review of Pasta Imperfect)
Sugar Time by Jane Adams - in order for me to enjoy a chick-lit novel, I have to be able to relate to the main character, and I didn't in this one, so I think other readers would probably enjoy it more than me. Rated 6/10. (My short review of Sugar Time)
Moon River and Me by Andy Williams - nothing earth-shattering, but I think readers who grew up with Andy Williams will probably love this look into his life. Rated 7/10. (My review of Moon River and Me)
The Shack by William Paul Young - another in my Relative Reads series, this was a thoughtful, interesting book. Rated 7/10. (review forthcoming)
The Book of Murder by Guillermo Martinez - tense thriller by an Argentinian author about
murder and revenge, this was more intellectual than emotional, but still an interesting read. Rated 7/10. (review forthcoming)
After the Moment by Garret Freymann-Weyr - excellent YA novel about first love and betrayal, I read this for a book tour coming up next month. Very good. Rated 8/10. (review forthcoming)
Things We Didn't See Coming by Steven Amsterdam - a connected set of short stories about a man surviving a Y2K apocalypse, this was first published in Australia, and is set to be published in the US early next year. This was haunting and funny - I was very surprised by how much I liked this book. Highly recommended. Rated 8/10. (review to be posted on Bookloons.com)
You've read quite a few interesting books!
That is one serious list of books. Sounds like great reading.
Congrats on reading so many books! The only one on your list that I've read is Catching Fire, and I loved it.
You read some great books!
Sunday Salon: October Wrap Up
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