Thanks to everyone who sent thoughts/prayers/bright thoughts/good vibes to this little guy -he's here! He has quite a struggle ahead, though - here's an update:
"They broke Joy's water after more than 24 hours of labor. After that she had an epidural...
and about 30 minutes later felt severe pressure. Sam was coming--but he was sticking out a FOOT. In between her water breaking and that moment he had managed to flip himself around and was breech. This presented a very scary situation in the operating room. Joy worked very hard to get him out quickly.
Samuel David Owens was born at 7:20 PM on November 18th. He weighed in at 6 pounds on the nose, and was 19 inches long. They immediately whisked him to ICU where they found several complications. His lungs were filling up with blood, and he took his very first ambulance ride at minutes old to St. Mary's hospital. Several tests were performed
and we were told that Sam needed a procedure done immediately to open his atrial septum which was completely sealed shut. Kurt went with Sam, and was told that Samuel had several things going against him, and to be prepared for the worst. They did not think he would survive the procedure....
Shortly after 1 o'clock this morning weary looking doctors came in to talk with us. They told us Sam was doing WELL...but he is also a VERY sick little baby, and he has a VERY long and rocky road ahead of him. They were amazed at how remarkably strong Samuel was, and how resilient his body was.
Kurt and I were not surprised at all. We knew The Lord had done a miracle and saved our son.
We were both able to see him

and touch him. He is absolutely beautiful, and we are so much in love with our new little boy already. It hurts our hearts knowing what he is up against, and what lies ahead.
Please pray for no seizures for Samuel--a very real complication right now.
Pray for his lungs and heart to heal from the procedures they did last night.
Pray for him to stabilize in general--th
e next few days are very fragile!!"
Thanks so much for your continued well-wishes for this family. They appreciate it more than you know!
It just breaks my heart to see a little baby like that. I will be praying for Sam and his family.
Dear Lord, Please help little Sam and keep him strong. I pray for Sam's family, please Lord stay with them and help them in this difficult time. Help them to trust in You.
I will continue to pray for you and Little Sam! God bless!
I really hope the best for that family.
While I appreciate you sharing I do think the pictures are a bit graphic and should be labeled as such in the beginning.
I come to this blog for book related topics and stumbling across such as sad situation and the pictures that I have to shield from my young daughter are not appreciated.
Please take that into consideration when posting such graphic pictures.
What a beautiful little boy. May Sam grow strong and healthy and come home to his parents who so obviously love him.
I'm glad to hear Sam is doing well, and I will continue to pray for him.
This just breaks my heart to see a tiny baby having such a tough entry into the world ... I'm sure his family and friends are having mixed reactions to his arrival too. I'm praying all goes well and he gets through this rough entry and turns out to be a vibrant and healthy little boy.
I was wondering what was going on with Sam, and am glad to hear that he made it! I will keep him and his family in my prayers and will be hoping that he is strong for the struggles ahead.
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