"A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later. "
- Stanley Kubrick
Here's what I watched this month:
Hancock (2008) - I'd heard someone say this this movie was a case of a really good story, until it makes The Turn - and yet, somehow I was still completely shocked by the turn it took. Still, I enjoyed it, but think it would have been better if the two halves had more time to be explored.
The Express (2008) - based on the life of Ernie "The Express" Davis, the first African-American football player to win the Heisman trophy. I'm a sucker for a good sports movie, and this one had all the right components - a likable hero, up against gigantic odds, with the chance to make history. Excellent movie.
Palo Alto, CA (2007) - I did not like this movie.
W. (2008) - after watching this movie, I STILL do not understand how Laura Bush ever agreed to marry him.
Body of Lies (2008) - Fine, but predictable. I think it's problem is that it was the last of a whole bunch of "stranded CIA agent in the middle east trying to get the intel" movies that I've seen, and it doesn't really do anything new.
Twilight (2008) - So, you know how the book is always better than the movie? My husband actually watched this one with me, and kept saying, "There is no way the book can be this bad. Right?" This was a disappointment right up there with Eragon.
yay...finally someone who did not like Twilight, I didn't care for it much either :)
I loved the Express! But it was soooo sad!
I also liked Hancock.
Violet - oh, it was pretty bad. The only good part was Jacob.
Amy - yeah, The Express was a real tear-jerker. I didn't know anything about the story, so I really enjoyed it.
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