And so once again it is Monday, and time to take a look at what the book gods sent my way this week....
Once again I have a bumper crop - I think partly because my street was torn up for about 8 days, so when the mailman could get to my house again I got A LOT of stuff at once. I'm pretty sure he hates me.
(sorry, no pictures this week, as my camera is currently being held hostage at my in-laws, but links will be fun too, right?)
The Garden of Ruth, The Song of Hannah, and The Triumph of Deborah, all sent to me incredibly graciously by the author, Eva Etzioni-Halevy. Biblical fiction - yea!! I can't wait to get started on these.
Midwife of the Blue Ridge, also sent by the author, Christine Blevins. This one is a historical novel which looks fantastic. AND the author signed it - extremely cool. This is going to the top of the stack as well.
From various publicists: Seeing through the Lies: Unmasking the Myths Women Believe, by Vonda Skelton, and The Truth: What You Must Know before December 21, 2012 by (award winning author) Stephen Hawley Martin. The first one I am a little bit sketchy about - it sounds a little bit self-help-ey, which I don't really enjoy that much, but we'll give it a shot. The second is mostly for my husband - he loves conspiracy theories and the like, so we'll both enjoy that one. (I hope.)
Descartes Bones: A Skeletal History of the Conflict Between Faith and Reason by Russell Shorto is an ARC from the publisher. I can't wait to read this one - it sounds like just my type of nonfiction. The Spiritualist by Megan Chance came from something I signed up for online, forever ago - I don't think I ever expected to receive anything, so it was a fun surprise. And Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri came from Bookins - I have loved her previous work, so can't wait to get into this one.
So there you have it - my haul for the week. Anything good come into your mailbox lately??
I see you got Midwife of the Blue Ridge too. I'm looking forward to comparing our reviews!
I really enjoyed 'The Triumph of Deborah', that's awesome you got all three :)
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