Friday, September 18, 2009

Book Blogger Appreciation Week - Day 5

For the final day of BBAW, Amy has given us the following topic:

Setting Goals!
Write in 50 words or less…what do you like best about your blog right now and where would you like your blog to be a year from now?

I feel good about the ways my blog has evolved over the past year. From only posting once or twice a week to nearly every day; from posts that depended heavily on memes to primarily original material; from just a handful of readers to an average of 50 visits per day, I think I'm heading in the right direction. I'm especially proud of my feature, 451 Fridays, and hope to be able to continue that series for many weeks to come. Of course, I would like to improve my writing and reviewing skills, and hope to be better at engaging in the community of book bloggers, specifically by becoming a better commenter and a more involved participant. Mostly, though, a year from now I hope to still love book blogging. I want to continue looking forward to figuring out what I'm going to say each day. I want to keep enjoying the discovery of a great new blog to read. I do this because I love it, and I hope I still feel that way for BBAW 2010!

(And yes, I realize this is WAY over 50 words - apparently, I need to set a goal of being more concise, too! *grin*)

I've had such fun this week writing the BBAW posts, and reading all of yours. Thanks so much to the BBAW powers-that-be for putting together a great week. Three cheers for book blogging!


Ana S. said...

I've given up on trying to be more's hopeless ;) I think my main goal is the same as yours: to continue to enjoy doing this as much as I have for the past two years!

Unknown said...

Your reviews are great, much better than mine!

Meghan said...

I really enjoy blogging too! I do it because I love it. My main goal was to introduce more features really; I feel I've gone a bit dull with mostly book reviews. You have great features. =)

Shawntele said...

Good luck with your goals! :)

Tash said...

I actually have way too many goals to mention within 50 words but I'd really like to add posts on Kuala Lumpur, the city that I'm from. :)

Beth F said...

I seem to be a blabber too! I totally agree with this: "Mostly, though, a year from now I hope to still love book blogging"

bermudaonion said...

I love your goal of wanting to continue to love book blogging!

ibeeeg said...

I am right there with you. I hope in a year from now I will, as well, still love book blogging.

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

Great goals! I'll have to stop by next Friday for your 451 :)

I'm with you on becoming more involved and commenting. It's nice to let people know they aren't posting for nothing, lol.

Thanks to BBAW I just found you!

Margot at Joyfully Retired said...

I like the way you said everything in this post. It sounded like you were just talking to me. It didn't feel written. That's nice.

mar10123 said...

Concise? What's that???? Obviously, not a trait I posess, either. I enjoy your blog so much, sometimes I "assign" it!

Sherry said...

I was so NOT concise that I had to put my response into two posts. I would like to participate in your 451 Fridays feature sometime, by the way.

At any rate, you are cordially invited to share links to your reviews at the Saturday Review of Books at Semicolon. It's a good way to advertise your reviews and share your reading finds with others.

Jenners said...

I think you achieved a great deal in the past year and should be incredibly proud!!! And it has been an exciting (albeit exhausting) week.

Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks said...

Great recap of what you've done in the past year, and an especially poignant goal for the coming year! My goal was similar - "keep it fun!"

Hip Hip Hooray for book blogging (that's the 3 cheers you were asking for)

Elizabeth said...

Nymeth - I know. I thought I WAS being concise. =)

busy91 - thanks for the compliment!

Meghan - oh, but your reviews are so interesting - I love reading them!

shawntele - thank you!

Ms Ulat Buku - I'd love to read posts about where you live. I'm sure it's much more exciting than where I live. =)

Beth - well, that's the ultimate thing, really, is just to keep having fun.

bermuda - it's the only reason to keep going, as far as I'm concerned.

ibeeg - we'll have to check up on each other through the year. =)

Mel - welcome! I'm working hard on the commenting - hopefully I can keep it up.

Margot - oh, thank you for saying that! I try to make my posts sound more like a conversation and less like a "report" - I really appreciate you noticing that!

Mom - oh, your poor students. *grin*

Sherry - I'd love to have you! I'll send you an email. I do participate in the Saturday Review when I remember - I'm trying to be more consistent!

Jenners - thanks. It's been a fun year.

Dawn - yay for 3 cheers! Thank you. =)