Today's topic: Book-swapping. Do you do it? What site(s) do you use? How did you find out about them? What do you think of them? Do you use LT's book-swapping column feature for information on what to swap? Do you participate in any of the LT communities that discuss bookswapping, like the Bookmooch group for example?
I DO bookswap. It's Fun!! *grin* I have accounts at BookMooch and PaperbackSwap. I found PaperbackSwap first, so I have a gigantic wishlist on it, and probably use it more than BookMooch for that reason. Also, you can purchase credits there if you find a book you just HAVE to have - I haven't found that capability on BookMooch yet. (And yet, I realize that purchasing credits defeats the purpose of a bookSWAPPING site, but seriously, sometimes there are books I just HAVE TO HAVE!!) I have used LT's bookswapping feature a few times, and find it handy because I can save myself time by posting a book on the site where it is actually being requested. I've run into a couple of problems with books being requested on both sites, but the people involved have always been nice about the situation, leading me to believe that lots of people post books to multiple sites, because apparently swapping is addictive too. I don't participate in any of the LT groups - they just didn't ever really appeal to me. If you are not a member, Join One! It's a lot of fun!
I didn't know about purchasing credits on PaperBackBookSwap- I'm going to have to check that out! :-)
Yes, I know what it's like when you just HAVE to have a certain book. That's how my TBR pile got to be taller than I am!
A bunch of people have mentioned the credit thing, which I think would be perfect for me! (esp b/c I never want to really let anything go!)
That would be me if I swapped: I'd be buying credits and not swapping any books!
I'm on bookmooch and I looove it. I haven't mooched in a while, but when I get the urge for new books they're right there at my fingertips!
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