The examen, based on the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, helps a person hold onto what spiritually nourishes him by looking at what is giving him consolation in his life or causing him desolation. It allows someone to express his gratitude to God for the good stuff and turn to him for solace for the bad stuff. It is quite simple. You simply ask yourself, in the last day/week/month what gave me consolation and what caused me desolation.
I'm not feeling terribly eloquent today, so you'll just get a list:
The good:
early Christmas present exchanges
my pharmacy students coming home for the holidays
no ice storms
Battlestar Galactica webisodes
It's a Wonderful Life on tv
snuggling under blankets
hot chocolate
Mary Chapin Carpenter's new Christmas CD
shrimp soup
The bad:
friends having to say goodbye to their pets
my pharmacy students going home for the holidays
too much work and not enough time
long, long nights and short days
people inviting themselves over to my house without telling me!
As usual, my good list is longer - I am blessed.
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